About Us

What is the Police Emerald Society?

Tradition, Pride, Heritage!


Our purpose is to unite law enforcement officers from the Greater Richmond Area that identify themselves with being from the Emerald Isle. You don’t have to prove any specific Irish or Celtic lineage to be a member.


We strive to unite all law enforcement officers from various jurisdictions in order to develop fraternalism amongst its members. We want to preserve the Irish culture and to promote the contributions of our ancestors. We also want to recognize the accomplishments of Irish-Americans in Law Enforcement and other public safety professions. Finally, we will work with civic and public safety associations on areas of mutual concerns.

The Metro Richmond Police Emerald Society is a non-political, non-sectarian, fraternal organization for law enforcement officers and their supporters. There are several levels of membership, allowing all who are interested in supporting the society and its ideals to join.

The Metro Richmond Police Emerald Society goals include promoting the contributions that those of Irish and Gaelic ancestry have made to the development of law enforcement in America as well as remembering and recognizing the sacrifices that all law enforcement officers make daily.

The Emerald Society’s number one philanthropic effort is directed towards those families who have suffered the loss of a loved one in the line of duty. The Emerald Society will frequently step in and assist those families with monetary donations to help them in their time of need and sorrow by helping to bridge the gap until survivors benefits are dispensed. The Emerald Society also helps by raising awareness with the public of the great service our officers make daily and the lengths to which they go to protect the communities they serve.

Board of Directors:
President – Marshall Young
Vice President – Mike Genau
Secretary – Lindsay Lane
Treasurer – Christopher Wulff
Sergeant At Arms – Matt Wilkinson
Trustee – Jodie Warren
Trustee – Scott McDougle
Past Presidents – Bernard “Mac” Adams
Pipe Major – Michael McCann