Pigs & Pigs Fundraiser

WHO: Metro Richmond Police Emerald Society, Inc.

WHAT: Fundraiser for the Line of Duty Death & Scholarship Fund.

WHERE: Fraternal Order of Police John Marshall Lodge #2 (410 Plazaview Rd. Richmond, VA)

WHEN: October 10, 2015 from 6 pm until 11 pm admission is $40 and must be purchased in advance.

WHY: All proceeds will go to the MRPES Line of Duty Death & Scholarship Fund. These funds are used to assist the families of police officers who are killed in the line of duty in the Central Virginia Area.

HOW: The night will include a DJ and dancing, the Metro Richmond Police Emerald Society Pipes & Drums will also perform. You get all the food you can eat (Catered by Price George Family BBQ) and all the beer you can drink. If you like a bit stronger beverage you can bring your own and the bartender will gladly pour it for you using our mixers. There will be silent auctions, 50/50 raffle and other raffles. Admission is $40 and must be purchased in advance. You can pay for your admission by contacting any of the Board of Directors or by using PayPal. Please take the Pigs & Pigs Flyer and pass it out to all your friends. ONLINE SALES HAVE CLOSED. THERE WILL BE A FEW AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR SO FEEL FREE TO COME ON. Admission is limited to 100 total. 

If you have questions please contact us at (804) 876-0782 or by email at info@mrpes.org.

Pigs & Pigs Graphic